Couple set record after 80 years of marriage
By Richard Smith 10/09/2009
By Richard Smith 10/09/2009
When it comes to relationships, Walter and Beatrice Postings definitely know a thing or two.
The childhood sweethearts have been wed an extraordinary 80 years and are Britain's longest-living married couple.
The childhood sweethearts have been wed an extraordinary 80 years and are Britain's longest-living married couple.

Now both 100, their devotion has survived two world wars, five monarchs and 19 prime ministers.
The romantic couple are often spotted holding hands by care home staff. And they both admit to a daily cuddle. Explaining their relationship's amazing longevity, Beatrice said: "I just love him and that's it." Walter, known as Wally, added: "It's all about give and take."
The couple, of Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, met aged 18 at a party. Strangely enough, she fell for him because he kept pulling her hair. Walter and Beatrice soon got hitched in 1929.
They have three children, four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.
Care home boss Chris Arnold said: "They are often found holding hands in the lounge, which is lovely and testament to how close they are after 80 years."
The couple took over an antiques business in 1951 which they ran until retiring in 1975. They were crowned the longest married couple after the death in Plymouth last week of Frank Milford, who had been with Anita 81 years.
Jodoh terpanjang
LONDON: Jika hendak berbicara mengenai perhubungan, Walter dan Beatrice Postings pasti mengetahui satu atau dua perkara.Mereka yang bercinta sejak muda sudah berkahwin selama 80 tahun, sekali gus menjadi pasangan Britain paling lama hidup sebagai suami isteri.Kini, dengan kedua-duanya berusia 100 tahun, rumah tangga yang mereka dirikan telah melalui dua perang dunia, pemerintahan lima raja dan 19 perdana menteri.Kakitangan sebuah rumah penjagaan orang tua sering melihat pasangan romantik itu berpegang tangan.
Ketika menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan mereka dapat bertahan begitu lama, Beatrice berkata: “Saya hanya mencintainya. Itu saja.”Walter yang mesra dengan panggilan Wally pula berkata: “Semuanya berlaku kerana sikap tolak ansur.”Pasangan yang berasal dari Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, berkenalan di satu majlis ketika berusia 18 tahun. Anehnya, Beatrice jatuh hati pada Wally kerana dia sering menarik rambutnya. Mereka berkahwin pada 1929.Hasil perkahwinan itu, mereka memperoleh tiga anak, empat cucu, lapan cicit dan dua piutPasangan itu menjalankan perniagaan barang antik pada 1951 sehingga bersara pada 1975. Mereka dinobatkan sebagai pasangan paling lama berkahwin selepas kematian Frank Milford dari Plymouth minggu lalu, yang hidup bersama isterinya, Anita, selama 81 tahun. - Agensi
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