Saturday, October 22, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
'Tiger mom' Chua urges Asian parents to relax

US "Tiger Mom" Amy Chua Thursday urged strict Asian parents to relax and give their children more freedom but also to avoid the "romanticised" Western focus on creativity over hard work.
The Chinese-American law professor at Yale University sparked international controversy this year with her book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother", which detailed the strict parenting regime she put in place for her children and called this approach the key to success.
"I think Western parents give kids too much freedom, too much choice at a young age... Asian parents like in Korea have opposite problems, giving too little freedom, too little choice for our kids," Chua said in a speech at a Seoul forum.
She stressed that Asian parents often put too much focus on children's academic excellence while failing to foster social skills and "emotional intelligence".
"As we head into the 21st century and global competition gets intense, simply emphasising hard work and memorising and long hours is not going to be enough," she said, urging a balance between the different parenting philosophies.
Chua criticised US parents and schools for deferring "too quickly to their young kids' choices", but at the same time called on Asian parents at the other extreme to let go once their kids become old enough.
"To me this type of parenting should be when kids are very young. I think it actually should start to end when they are around 11, 12, or 13," said Chua, adding she mistakenly "went too far with it" with her daughters.
Chua earlier met with a hailstorm of criticism, including death threats, after excerpts of her book were published in the Wall Street Journal -- a response which she said turned her life upside down.
In the book, she allows nothing less than top school marks from her two daughters, no sleepovers or watching television, and makes them do mandatory piano or violin study.
Chua defended many of the parenting methods described in her book, saying US parents mistakenly prioritise a "romanticised notion of creativity" over the hard work and discipline that is the basis for such creativity.
She said her younger daughter, who six years ago hated maths after failing a test, now cites it as her favourite subject after long hours of study involving a stopwatch led her to excel.
"It's our job to prepare them for the future...there's something very joyful and fulfilling about doing something extremely well," she told the World Knowledge Forum hosted by Maeil Business Newspaper.
Chua blamed America's "fear of Asia" for the heated response to her book, which she said was written as a family satire.
"I think...the book tapped into America's deepest anxiety. One is fear of parenting and the second is Asia rising with the US declining," said Chua.
First, Catch Your Faculty-A Recipe for Excellence
First, Catch Your Faculty-A Recipe for Excellence
Published: October 16, 2011
LONDON — Is there a foolproof recipe for academic success? Philip Altbach and Jamil Salmi, the co-authors of “The Road to Academic Excellence,” a new study of what makes for a “world-class research university,” suggest there just might be.
With funding from the Ford Foundation and the World Bank, the two scholars have examined efforts by 10 universities around the world, from China and South Korea to India, Nigeria, Mexico and Chile, to gain admission into the elite ranks of the world’s leading universities.
Some, like the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (founded in 1888) or the National University of Singapore (founded in 1905) were venerable institutions. Others, like the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay (founded in 1958) were newer. And some, like Korea’s Pohang University of Science and Technology (1986) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (1991) were launched with an explicit goal of making a global impact. But what they all have in common, say the two authors, is that in each case “these universities play a key societal role by serving as cultural institutions, centers for social commentary and criticism, and intellectual hubs.”
“We’re both convinced that serious research universities are important in almost all societies,” Mr. Altbach, who is the director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, said in an interview.
Mr. Salmi coordinates the World Bank’s activities related to higher education, and has served as a policy adviser to numerous governments. Both men have published widely on issues of academic quality and improvement, and some portions of their new 390-page study, which will be released later this month at a conference on World Class Universities in Shanghai, read like the scholarly papers they are. But their conclusions are as direct, and nearly as concise, as the advice supposedly given in a 19th-century recipe for rabbit stew: “First, catch your rabbit.” Only in this case the advice would be: “First, catch your faculty.”
“You can say there are lots of ingredients a university needs to be really successful,” Mr. Altbach said. “Independence, luck, persistence, some kind of strategic vision, adequate resources — usually, but not always, public resources — good governance structures, good leadership, the ability to attract good students and so on. But we have found that the quality of the faculty is really crucial.”
“The difference between a good university and great university comes down to talent,” Mr. Salmi said. “The rest of what you need is just there to attract the talent and enable them to do their best work.”
In his summary of the study, Mr. Salmi alludes to the increasingly global competition for academic talent, spurred on partly by the growth of various international rankings, and resulting in what he describes as “a virtuous cycle, where the highest-ranked institutions can attract the best faculty and the best researchers, in turn, want to belong to and be validated by the highest-ranked universities. This cycle then extends to the best students wanting to study with the best faculty.”
In his writings Mr. Salmi often alludes to a triad of factors: talent, funding and internal governance. When all three are in alignment, an institution can launch itself onto the world stage with remarkable speed. Gerald Postiglione, author of the chapter studying the meteoric rise of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), says that the conditions that contributed to that university’s success “might be difficult to replicate.” Within just 10 years of its founding in 1991 the university was widely considered one of the best in Asia. By 2010 it was in the top tier of universities around the world.
“Putting together a world-class university from scratch, a hundred things can go wrong,” he said. “Not only must you recruit very carefully, and then provide your new staff with sufficient resources to do good research and good teaching. Money of course is important. But what I learned is that other things are more important. Academic freedom is more important. And in this case you also had a group of academics who had a sense of commitment to the institution and a sense of responsibility to the larger society — not just to the university, but to the place where it is located.”
A majority of academics initially recruited by HKUST were either born in China or had direct family ties to China, but had been educated abroad, in the United States or in Europe. For example the physicist Woo Chia-wei, HKUST’s founding president, was born in Shanghai and received his doctorate at Washington University in St. Louis before becoming president of San Francisco State University. The fledgling institution’s ability to draw on the idealism and drive of the Chinese diaspora was, according to Mr. Postiglione, “the magic ingredient” that enabled the university to attract world-class scholars.
Indian universities, especially the elite Indian Institutes of Technology, once benefited from a similar dynamic. However, Mr. Altbach and Mr. Salmi both pointed to the IIT Bombay as an institution endangered by its own success. IITs are still the most competitive educational institutions in the world, with an acceptance rate of only 1.6 percent (608 applicants for each place). But the failure to recruit a truly international faculty, and academic salaries the authors describe as “ridiculously low” compared to IIT graduates who go into the private sector, mean that India is likely to remain “a country of tremendous potential, but not much more accomplishment,” Mr. Altbach said.
Perhaps the saddest portion of their study charts the rise, fall, and attempted resurgence of the University of Ibadan. Once considered among the leading universities in Africa, whose graduates include novelist Chinua Achebe and the Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka, Ibadan’s reputation for excellence became a casualty of Nigeria’s civil war, successive military dictatorships and years of political unrest.
Another chapter attempts to account for the University of Malaysia’s failure to keep pace with the accomplishments of the University of Singapore — two institutions that both began as offshoots of the same British colonial university. “Everybody likes to talk about success,” Mr. Salmi said. “But the lessons of what doesn’t go well are sometimes more relevant.”
In the case of Ibadan, the study showed the importance of what Mr. Salmi called the “education ecosystem” — the interplay of social, political, economic and even geographic factors that create the environment within which universities operate. In Singapore the decisions to prioritize research, to keep English as the language of instruction, and to follow a merit-based admissions policy have all contributed to the university’s success, the study said, whereas the Malaysian government’s imposition of admissions quotas for different ethnic groups, and a generally higher level of political interference in university management, have kept that university at a disadvantage.
In his conclusion, Mr. Salmi cited “disturbing political developments, from the burning of churches to the whipping of a woman for drinking beer in public,” which he said cast a shadow on Malaysia’s “image as an open and tolerant society.” However, referring to the impact of tighter visa regulations for foreign graduates in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001, he added that no country is “immune to restrictions on freedom of movement and to threats to academic freedom having a negative impact on the country’s elite universities.”
No matter how rich or how celebrated its universities, no country can afford to be complacent, Mr. Salmi said. The African case study, he added, “serves as a stern warning that success is fragile and that prestigious universities, like famous empires, are prone to fateful destinies should the fundamental enabling conditions disappear.”
Common Roots, Different Paths - NUS and UM
Hena Mukherjee & Poh Kam Wong
In their characterization of world-class research universities (Salmi 2009; Altbach and Balan 2007), the central features are their standing as research institutions internationally and their responsibility in creating new knowledge relative to the growth of the knowledge economy with science and technological innovation at its core, linking higher education to the requirements of economic growth. In analyzing two institutions to unravel the intertwining variables which lead to the making of such world class universities, this paper reviews the paths taken by two universities which branched out from the same roots – the National University of Singapore and the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Today there are four and twenty-four public universities in Singapore and Malaysia respectively.
In the last decade, the THES-QS World University Rankings showed NUS among the world’s top 20 (2004, 2005, 2006) and 30 (2008) while rankings for UM moved progressively lower between the same period of time from 89 to 230 These results led to public questioning in Malaysia about the perceived declining standards of UM with calls for action. In this paper, we review the two universities’ common origin; their missions post-independence; the thrust of the secondary school system in preparing students for tertiary education; their strategies for institutional management, nurturing undergraduate and postgraduate students, and academic staffing; policies regarding internationalization of students and faculty; and their inter-connections with global advances. The paper attempts to draw lessons from the experiences of the two universities to share with the global academic community.
Both the National University of Singapore and the University of Malaya had their roots in Singapore with the establishment of King Edward VII College of Medicine in 1905. The University of Malaya was established in October 1949 in Singapore as an outcome of a merger between the King Edward VII Medical College and Raffles College. It went on to become a key player in creating trained and specialized human resources for the then Federation of Malaya and Singapore. Growth and expansion of the university, coupled with independence (Malaya in 1957; Singapore in 1959) as two separate countries, led to the creation of two branches in 1959, one in Singapore and one in Kuala Lumpur. In 1962, following the decision of the Singapore and Malayan governments (Malaysia was formed in 1963 with the addition of Sabah and Sarawak states in Borneo), the two Divisions became autonomous national universities – the University of Singapore and the University of Malaya – in their respective countries. The University of Singapore in 1980 merged with Nanyang University to become the National University of Singapore.
The populations served in both countries are multiracial with the same racial mix in different proportions. The island-state of Singapore supports 4.8 million people, 77% of which are Chinese, 14% Malays, 8% Indians and 1% others. Malaysia’s 28 million comprises 65% Malays and other indigenous peoples (known as Bumiputeras), 26% Chinese, 8% Indians and about 1% others (all percentages rounded off). The plurality of races is particularly significant to Malaysia where education policy is colored by differential opportunities relative to entrance to universities and access to financial aid.
Mission statements of both universities had very different emphases. For NUS, being on the cutting edge of teaching and research continued to be a priority over the decades. At the University of Malaya, the implementation of the National Economic Policy was paramount with special rights and privileges for the Bumiputra population in terms of student quotas, more relaxed admission criteria, easy access to financial support from government agencies, additional pathways to admission, more favorable and less competitive recruitment and promotion criteria for academic staff. These policies worked to reduce the overall talent pool at a period of the university’s development when it had to compete with a number of newer universities for financing. Unfortunately, UM, the erstwhile premier university, was also unable to provide timely support in terms of strategic innovations and production when the economic competition from countries such as China,South Korea and Taiwan revealed that unless Malaysia was able to bring high, value-added technology to industry, she would be unable to hold her own. The time for resting on the advantage of low cost labor ended particularly when China’s cheap labor force entered into the market place.
To juxtapose the two institutions, as NUS kept pace with the demands of a growing economy which sought to be competitive nationally and internationally, with English continuing as the language of instruction and research, UM became more inward looking, with lecture notes increasingly becoming the new texts as proficiency in English declined and reluctance of students to use English texts and journals grew.
Both universities were established based on the British university model of academic governing structure with Faculties, Senates and Councils (currently known as the Board of Trustees in NUS and the Board of Directors in UM) with teaching, research and community participation and service providing the framework of transaction. Links between the universities and government have always been very close: until the seventies they were the major providers of specialized human resources in both countries.
NUS developed in a political and economic environment which stated unequivocally that human capital development was the foremost goal of a country that was scarce in other natural resources. Its national educational development policies (see e.g. Low et. al. 1991) were squarely based on meritocracy and the need for graduates who could enhance Singapore’s growth as a hub for international financial services and trade.
Between 1962 and the present, NUS has had 5 Vice-Chancellors, contrasting with 10 for UM, where many served for single tenures of three years, and at least two did not complete their first tenures. Interviews with senior faculty and managers from both universities lead to the conclusion that VCs should: be identified by a carefully selected search committee which will use rigorous terms of reference as a guide; possess a strong academic reputation nationally and internationally; be in position for not less than two terms so that there is continuity in policy and implementation; ordinarily not be a member of the civil service; and be provided managerial autonomy in decision-making on academic matters based on the mission and goals of the university, notwithstanding the fact that it is incumbent upon a public university to adhere to formal government administrative procedures
In Malaysia, the University and Colleges Act was introduced in 1971 to provide the Minister of Education with the general direction of higher education development and management. The Act was launched following demonstrations by a segment of the student body and some staff at UM, demanding that the government address the issue of poverty. All Vice-Chancellors and Deans were appointed by the Ministry and indeed the management and administration of universities had a central hub in MoE’s Higher Education Department. In the eighties, at least one VC was a civil servant seconded to run the academic institution fortwo terms.
Government agencies, particularly Ministries of Education (Singapore) and Higher Education (Malaysia) traditionally have significant control over a range of decisions in the two universities. In Malaysia,included in the range are decisions influencing: the appointment of Vice-Chancellors and Deputy Vice Chancellors, Registrar and Deans; approvals for new programs and course offerings; the identification of external examiners for examinations and promotions to full professorships. Bucking this pattern, the new (October 2008) UM Vice Chancellor has instituted a number of reforms such as election processes for Deans in 2009, a practice which four out of twelve faculties took up. The remaining 8 faculties were unable to muster the three eligible nominations required to conduct elections.
In the case of NUS, there has been a progressive shift towards greater autonomy in the appointment of senior university management over the years, particularly after the corporatization of the university in 2006 (see below). Practices in line with those of leading universities overseas were also progressively instituted,for example, the recruitment of deans and department heads through international search committees.
In both universities, the internal managerial and administrative ethos has reflected that of the government/civil service. As public institutions, they have both been subject to government regulations where administrators are government appointees and academic staff no different from other government employees. Subject to government processes of implementation and coordination, the universities persisted with their bureaucratic work processes not always supportive of more responsive approaches. In the initialyears, the focus was on the teaching function, and as their eco nomies grew, the watchword was that of absorbing and diffusing new technologies, rather than stimulating locally-grown innovations and the creation of new knowledge. However, from the 1980s, there has been a shift in policy from pursuing the primary role of teaching to a policy of pursuing both teaching and research. As seen later in the paper, the policy shift to encompass a significant role in research has been implemented with greater resource intensity and outcome in NUS than in UM.
By the 1990s, as both universities evolved to become large, comprehensive research universities with a concomitant increase in the complexity of governance, the government in both nations began to review the relationships between state and university, leading to the eventual corporatization of both universities.However, the actual process of implementation of corporatization turned out to be quite different.In 1997, the Corporatization of Higher Education Act was passed by the Malaysian government and it revealed that there had been some re-thinking about the government’s role in higher education. This would allow universities to run themselves like corporate bodies, independent of civil procedures, minimizing bureaucratic red tape which causes delays in the decision-making process and the response rate of institutions to the changing socio-economic needs of society. It took almost two decades to realize but the legislative framework regarding the enhancing of university autonomy is yet to be fully implemented. This has prevented UM (and other Malaysian universities except for Universiti Sains Malaysia designated in 2008 as the ‘apex’ university) from enrolling the best-qualified students, the most competent and qualified academic and research staff through competitive compensation packages, and independent authority to appoint highly competent leaders In contrast, in the case of Singapore, the issue of corporatization of higher education was not on the policy agenda until the mid-2000s, when a University Autonomy, Governance and Funding (UAGF)
Steering Committee was established by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2005 to develop specific recommendations for possible corporatization of NUS. The recommendations were swiftly adopted by the MOE and a Bill of Parliament was passed in early 2006 to pave the way for NUS to be given greater autonomy and to begin operating as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee from April 1, 2006. A Board of Trustees (BOT) was established to oversee NUS as a corporatized entity, and within a year, the corporatization process has for all intents and purposes been completed.
Singapore In terms of transformation from a traditional institution producing skilled managerial and technical human resources (which was the original underlying mission of both NUS and UM) to a complex global player contributing to the development of the knowledge economy steeped in innovative science and technology-based solutions in support of national, regional and international economic growth, the National University of Singapore is well ahead based on productivity which is captured by world rankings of research (see below). The Singapore government quickly realized the role universities have in sustaining economic growth and in the early seventies, the ’labor-intensive strategy gradually gave way to a higher value technology-intensive strategy…..a new tertiary education philosophy crystallized in Singapore’ (Seah 1983, 14).
In terms of strategic planning, NUS had in the early eighties followed the policy of capping places in traditional courses to allow for growth prospects for professional courses such as Engineering, Architecture, Building and Real Estate Management. Prevailing government policies related to high-level manpower requirements continued to influence university admissions as did the outcomes of constant monitoring of market forces to reduce risks of graduate unemployment. Tight financial control of the budget was also instituted by the Ministry through financial contributions and its representation on university council.
The greater autonomy post-2006 enabled NUS to accelerate the process of organizational transformation that she has already embarked on since the late 1990s to better meet the challenge of global competition. For example, although NUS had already started to offer more competitive compensation packages to recruit faculty from overseas before 2006, corporatization gave the university greater flexibility in structuring the offer, including the provision of generous start-up research grants and reduced teaching loads in initial years for top researchers. In making the switch of faculty tenure term from age 55 to 65 for new hires, NUS has also been progressively raising the bar for tenure in her drive for greater e excellence.
In addition, NUS also implemented a one-off exercise to selectively offer the tenure extension only to existing faculty that she intends to retain, thus making it easier for the university to transit to a higher level of excellence.
Malaysia In UM, as in other public universities in Malaysia, the inability to take academic, professional,financial and technical decisions autonomously has been a canker in its growth, and has certainly retarded its capacity to be internationally competitive, mired in its own bureaucracy. Prior to 2002, all new courses and programs had to be cleared at the Faculty level, then at Senate followed by the University Council. Since Council has senior Ministry of Higher Education representatives (MoHE), and since the university is financially dependent on the government, it is really the government nod that holds sway. This is true also for senior academic appointments. After 2002, the Quality Assurance Division was set up in MoHE who assumed the clearance/approval function, a task after 2007 taken on by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency under which the Quality Assurance Division is subsumed. It is highly centralized and still resides within the core of the Ministry, which has the last word, but there are efforts by MQA to have better benchmarking and monitoring practices.
Referring to the ‘approval’ by the cabinet on education for a new ethnic relations module to be taught in all public universities, a matter which should be resolved by the academic community, a senior academic and politician commented: ‘Unfortunately, for some time university autonomy has been systematically eroded in Malaysia. University of Malaya which enjoyed a certain autonomy during its early days has now joined younger universities that are directly controlled or strongly influenced by the government. Basic freedoms of university staff and students have been so effectively curbed…It is not surprising, therefore, that the quality and standards of local universities have been deteriorating’ (Ali 2009, p. 266).
While organizational structures have expanded in UM, with increased number of faculties, institutes and centers, inadequate attention has been paid to their efficient management. There is a dearth of able non-academic support staff to help co-ordinate, administer the various services, and assist with the increasing burden of student and staff records and information. Similarly, well-trained and skilled technicians are not always available for the efficient management of expensive laboratories and equipment.
UM Reforms from within Efforts have started recently in UM to help put the university on track. They reflect an internal realignment with the policies and practices of successful research universities. Since coming on board in late 2008 from a successful new private sector university, the Vice Chancellor (VC) of UM has drawn up an agenda of performance targets for academic and research staff, focusing on developing a culture of scholarship. The program of change is in two phases. In the first phase, the VC, seeing himself as the manager as well as the academic leader of the institution, reviewed each faculty’s inputs and outputs, and drew up a set of performance targets for academic staff.
Taking the overall low productivity into account as well as international benchmarking information,Phase two saw the VC, assisted by his three Deputies, visit each faculty to explain the process of performance target setting; review the targets themselves inviting well-justified suggestions for modification; setting a realistic timeline for achieving these objectives; and providing information on rewards and incentives (largely financial). Differential outputs are stipulated for the various levels of positions in terms of:ISI-ranked publications (for which there are financial incentives); supervision of doctoral and masters’ students; supervision of research students; success in obtaining research funds; minimum teaching performance scores (based on student evaluation); completion of consultancies, positions as experts or resource persons; and satisfactory contribution to administrative work as required by faculty/departmental responsibilities. One of the revolutionary changes being put in place, and causing some discomfort, is that with five top tier ISI publications a higher degree candidate wins a PhD degree without submitting a dissertation.
Understanding the pragmatic difficulties of bringing about transformation in institutional culture, the university has identified ways in which academic staff can be assisted in meeting targets. For example,editorial assistance would be provided from the Vice Chancellor’s office to those who need assistance in English Language; in translating articles from Bahasa Malaysia to English; and providing more time for research and publication activities by reducing teaching hours. The current leadership, in a bid to improve accountability and overall governance across the university, is building transparency into administrative procedures such as promotion of staff, criteria for promotion, selection and evaluation information of internal and external academic assessors through disclosing all such information on the university electronic network.
While the Singapore Government’s financial commitment to education has stayed at about the same proportion – around 3% – of its GDP since 1962, the proportion of public educational expenditure going to university education has climbed from 10.8% to 19.8% between 1962 and 2007. In absolute terms, this amounts to S$1,49 billion (USD1: S1.44) approximately for 2007, indicating quite clearly that all three universities have a strong base of government financial resources. The annual operating budget for NUS in 2008 reached S$1.37 billion, up from just S$328 million in 1990 (NUS Annual Reports, various years).
In 2004, Malaysia allocated 2.7% of her GDP for expenditure on tertiary education (includes universities and polytechnics). This figure compares well with countries in the region and with OECD countries as well but it should be noted that the allocation reflects tuition subsidies and on-campus accommodation. Education regularly receives around 24% of the annual budget.
In the past budget proposals were based on student enrollments with small annual increases. It was very much a negotiated system. In 1997, the Government of Malaysia introduced the Modified Budgeting System with the aim of developing a budget allocation system which would be output oriented. Unfortunately, this has not worked and budgets continue to be negotiated without reference to output measures
Indicative of NUS’ growing emphasis on research in recent years, the amount of research expenditure by NUS has increased more than threefold in the last decade, from S$102 mil. in 1997 to S$366 mil. in 2007.Relative to the total operating expenses of the university, research spending has increased from about 12% in 2000 to over 27% in 2007. The bulk of the research spending is in engineering and medicine, with an increasing proportion going to the latter in line with the growing emphasis on biomedical sciences in Singapore’s national R&D strategy in recent years (NUS Annual Reports, various years).
By designating four research universities (currently there are 24 public universities) – University of Malaysia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia –MoHE ‘s expectation is that concentrating resources in institutions with most potential will pay better dividends than spreading them thinly. This provides UM an additional MYR100 million annually (UDS1:MYR3.45). These allocations are beginning to be tied to performance targets. Before 2005, research allocations for all public universities amounted to MYR9 million, with fairly insignificant amounts for each university.
As UM markets itself more aggressively, there are signs of success in terms of accessing funds as well as from the private sector and international organizations (a Faculty of Medicine team recently received won a grant for HIVAids from WHO). Approved government R&D Grant allocations between 2005 to 2008 moved upwards from MYR8.5 million to MYR126.9 million. Grants from private industry and international sources did not show stable growth, however, over the same period. In 2005, it amounted to MYR 2.4million in approved allocations, moving to MYR5.2million for 2006, plunging down to MYR885,635 only in 2007, and increasing to MYR1.2million in 2008. [ Information on research expenditures awaited] The instability and low levels of research funding in UM contrasts with stable and growing resources for research in Singapore,an issue which is critical if universities are to keep in step with new fields of inquiry and global advances in knowledge.
The quality of universities depends on the quality of its students. In this section, the paper looks selectively at the school system paying special heed to secondary schooling in preparation for university.
International testimony to the Singapore pre-university education system is borne out by the country’s repeated successful performance in TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) – for example, among 13-years olds, Singapore was ranked top in both Mathematics and Science in the TIMSS cycles of 1995 and 2003, and third and first respectively in the most recent cycle (2007). School curriculum in Singapore is regularly reviewed and revised, the ‘A’ level curriculum in 2007 being a case in point, which broadens a student’s choice of options and permutations for examinations. A new subject,‘Knowledge and Inquiry’, was designed to expose students to the construction and nature of knowledge,creating the need to cut across disciplines. To gain acceptance into university, students must pass ‘Knowledge and Inquiry’ or the ‘ ‘General Paper’, a paper that tests general knowledge. About 25% of the A-level cohort gain seats in one of Singapore’s three universities.
In Malaysia, as in Singapore, all government-funded schools follow a centralized, common curriculum which lead to common examinations. Secondary education in national schools is conducted in the Malay language except for Mathematics and Science since 2003. However, these subjects will revert to being taught fully in Malay by 2012 on the grounds that rural children are disadvantaged if English is used. Malaysia participated in the TIMSS eighth-grade assessment in 1999 (28 countries), 2003 (44 countries) and 2007 (49).In eighth grade Mathematics, Malaysia’s average score had declined steadily from 519 in 1999 to 474 in 2007, falling below the average TIMSS score of 500 for all participating countries in 2007. In eighth grade science, Malaysia’s average score increased from 492 in 1999 to 510 in 2003, but fell to 471 in 2007. In 2007,Malaysia’s average scores in mathematics and science remained significantly behind those of Singapore (474 vs. 593 and 471 vs. 567 respectively) and other East Asian NIEs.
A longitudinal study on the transition from school to work (Nagaraj et al. 2009) of students across the education system from primary through tertiary concluded that the public education system has ‘in large measure been responsible for a ‘memory-based learning designed for the average student’ system of education rather than a system that stimulates and fosters creative thinking and excellence (Ministry of Education, 1997, p. 9). The team’s analysis of data also pointed out that the system fosters the fear of providing the ‘wrong’ answer, promoting in general conformity and uniformity rather than fresh and creative thinking, with rote learning and memorization appearing to be the key factor for success in examinations (Wong, 2004, p. 159-160). Rote learning, memorization, uniformity, and conformity foster risk-aversion but not the development of creative thinkers (The Economist, 2000). These findings do not augur well for tertiary education entrants expected to fulfill Malaysia’s plans for graduating high-performing researchers-in-waiting.
While mother tongue instruction is available within the Singapore school system, former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew developed the idea of English as a common language that both connected citizens of all ethnic backgrounds, and tied Singapore to the world economy. Apart from mother tongue, at secondary school level, students can opt to study French, German or Japanese. The attention to international languages is further supported by the Ministry of Education Language Centre which provides free language education for most additional languages that schools do not cover. Providing such a range of languages while keeping English language as the medium of instruction prepares graduates well for international participation in the future.
In Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia has been the medium of instruction at school and university level since the seventies, posing obstacles for university students, particularly Malay students from rural schools and Chinese students from secondary Chinese-medium schools (there are around 60) in the use of texts and journals in English. With policies of internationalization of faculty and students, English Language proficiency becomes an issue. Post graduate programs, however, have always been available in English, with students having the choice of writing examinations in English or Malay. Over the last five years, English has been available for instructional purposes at undergraduate level but the uptake is poor as students have been schooled in Malay. The recent government decision to revert to Bahasa Malaysia by 2012 for secondary school science and mathematics which had been taught in English the past seven years is confusing in light of the widespread discussion on the necessity to produce school and university graduates who are fluent in English; and the need to graduate more students who can participate in international-level research and innovation activities. One of UM’s Pro-Chancellors recently emphasized that ‘…(English) is the lingua franca of the knowledge and innovation economy. ..Every possible teaching-learning method should be employed to enhance English proficiency for all learners’ (Shah, 2009). Unless strong political measures support the widespread use of English, the level of internationalization will be limited. Proficiency in English is not up for debate in NUS and this has served its international objectives well.
NUS has traditionally admitted students at the end of the 12 years of schooling based on their A-level examination results. Polytechnics graduates are also admitted for both full time as well as part-time courses.While the cut-offs for qualification to various faculties vary due to their popularity, there has been a general trend of increasing stringency over the years for courses that are high in demand such as medicine, law and business.
In 2003, NUS implemented a new system for undergraduate admission, adopting a more holistic approach. Apart from their academic grades, students’ intellectual attributes such as reasoning ability and critical thinking, as well as personal characteristics such as leadership, commitment and talent are taken into consideration through the incorporation of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 1 Scores and Core Curricula Activities bonus points in the admission decision. Faculties are also allowed to reserve a certain percentage of places for candidates who excel in other areas beyond academic grades.
Student enrollment in NUS grew steadily from 2,149 undergraduate and graduate students in 1962 to 4708 in 1970, 9078 in 1980, 17,535 in 1990, and 29,761 in 2000 (NUS Annual Reports, various years). Since 2000, the total student enrollment has been relatively stable, reaching 30,350 in 2008 and is expected to stay about the same in the near future. While undergraduates dominated in the early years (about 95% of total enrollment in the period 1962-70), the proportion of graduate students had increased steadily over the years,reaching over 23% in 2008, with a long-term target of one-third. Student/teaching faculty ratio climbed from 11:1 in 1980 to a peak of 17.8 in 2000, before coming down to 14.4 in 2008. The ratio for students/teaching and research staff was 10:1 in 1990 coming down to 8:1 in 2008, consistent with the university’s objective of inducting students effectively into research.
The distribution of students among faculties has changed over the years, reflecting the changing manpower demand of the Singapore economy. Between 1970 and 2008, the share of student enrollment in engineering increased the most, from around 14% to around 27% at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Medicine, on the other hand, experienced a steadily declining enrollment share, from 27% to 5.6% for undergraduates and 47% to 8% for graduates. In the Arts and Social Sciences the proportion of undergrads remained steadily around 20% over the same period, but its share of graduate enrollment had declined from 25% in 1970 to 10% in 2008.
While the primary mission of NUS in the initial years was to provide access to higher education to the local population, this has gradually been transformed to take on the broader role of attracting foreign talents to Singapore by the late 1990s, in line with the national strategy to promote immigration of highly skilled foreign talents to supplement the limited supply of local manpower. In addition, recognizing that education itself can be a major export industry, the Singapore government has by the late 1990s established a strategic program to turn the island economy into a leading educational hub in Asia — the Boston of the East. Besides allowing the local universities to increase the intake of foreign students, the government had set a goal of bringing 10 leading universities around the world to establish major operational presence in Singapore (Olds,2007).
In addition to contributing to this national development goal, the internationalization of the student body at NUS is also necessitated by the need to increase the supply of research talents to help support the research drive of the university, as well as being recognized as crucial to inject the diversity of experiences and international exposure of local students. Singapore has a distinctive advantage in attracting foreign students,given the use of English as the medium of instruction and the cosmopolitan nature of the society. Theproportion of international students among undergraduates and graduates in NUS reached 14.8% and 53.9% respectively in 2005, and increased further to 22.3% and 57.2 % by 2008. Overall, by 2008, over 10,500, or 34.6% of NUS’ student body are made up of international students. In addition, the number of international exchange students in NUS had also been on the rise, reaching nearly 1300 in 2008.
Much attention is given by NUS to the nurturing of students with experiential learning that exposes the students to industrial practices, research engagement, and international socialization. This is evident from various educational program innovations introduced over the years. For example, the Talent Development Programme (TDP) was established in 1996 to provide students with intellectual and academic potential with the opportunities to pursue enhanced or specialised courses through independent study and research in chosen fields of study, within their own faculties. In 1999, a Core Curriculum Programme (CCP), modeled after Harvard’s CCP, was launched to provide a broad-based education with an emphasis on writing and critical thinking, and an appreciation of the connections between different disciplines. In July 2001, a new University Scholars Program (USP) was incepted as a fusion of these two programmes to provide greater curriculum flexibility to talented students who want to pursue a more inter-disciplinary education. A campus-wide Minor Program was also introduced in the early 2000s to encourage students to develop a more rounded education beyond their core discipline.
International exchange program has been actively promoted by NUS to broaden the mindset and exposure of NUS students. This emphasis went beyond the normal one semester/academic year exchanges with a wide range of universities around the world to developing distinctive programs that give NUS a differentiating edge. For example, a partnership program with MIT was initiated in 1998 to enable top NUS graduate students (together with students from another university in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University) in cutting edge engineering and life science fields to take courses conducted by both NUS and MIT faculties, and to conduct research supervised by faculties from both universities. Besides the use of videoconferencing lecturing, NUS students in the program spend one semester to one year at MIT. The program was so successful that it evolved from being an NUS-degree only program to become a joint-degree program. In 2000, a new experiential learning program called the NUS Overseas College (NOC) program was launched to allow NUS undergraduate students with entrepreneurial interests to work as interns in high tech start-ups in Silicon Valley for one year while taking entrepreneurship classes at Stanford. The NOC program has since been extended to 5 other high tech hubs in the world, including Stockholm (partnering KTH) and Beijing (partnering Tsinghua).
Besides innovating new educational programs, NUS has also emphasized the development of her teaching infrastructure and pedagogy. In particular, NUS has invested heavily in IT infrastructure to support education, including the development of an advanced Learning Management System (LMS) called IVLE (Interactive Virtual Learning Environment) to support ubiquitous e-learning; the system has subsequently been commercialized through a spin-off company. An Outstanding Educator Award program has been instituted since 2000 to recognize and encourage teaching excellence and pedagogical innovation. More recently, NUS has also set up an education think-tank – the NUS Teaching Academy – which has the objective of helping ‘to drive NUS to new heights of excellence, and play a critical role in shaping the university’s policies and directions in action’. (Knowledge Enterprise, May-June 2009). The eighteen members of the Academy are former recipients of the Outstanding Educator Award whose responsibility it is to drive new educational thinking and serve as mentors.
The ability to identify and implement such innovative educational programs to induct students not only into the world of research and industrial application but also to develop in the students the spirit of enterprise,a global mindset and an aspiration for excellence, is a mark of NUS senior management’s pro-active focus on improving the quality of her educational experience, both to better prepare her graduates to meet the increasingly complex demand of the job market, as well as to build a reputation for educational innovation as a differentiation factor in the global competition for talented students.
Unlike Singapore, in terms of admission requirements, Malaysian universities have five pathways to access public university education. The track open to all is that of the Malaysian Higher School Certificate gained at the end of 13 years of primary, secondary and higher secondary education. The UK-based “A” level examination is also open to all but not taken by many. In keeping with the overall NEP-based affirmative action policies, other pathways to university admission exist primarily for Bumiputera students. At the end of eleven years of schooling, bumiputera students who receive their Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (Malaysian School Certificate) may be admitted to a year-long matriculation program leading to university admission;2-year Foundation studies leading to admission; and Higher Religious Certification. Admission to university depends on their performance in these examinations, and for UM the current requirement is a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 out of 4. The issue however is that the CGPA from different pre-university programs represent different levels of achievement, and selection criteria usually favor matriculation program graduates.
The upshot of these several pathways is that they expand access but public institutions like UM would like to admit the very best. University admissions are centrally organized by an admissions center under the Ministry of Higher Education. (For the first time in 2009, University Sains Malaysia, deemed to be the ‘apex’ university since July 2008, has handled its own admissions process.) Anecdotal evidence suggests that the high failure rate among first-year medicine and dentistry students is attributed to the students who have entered through matriculation programs. Unless UM can take control of its admission policies, it will be unable to select the best applicants.
Central to understanding the underlying reasons for many of the policies and practices in Malaysia discussed in this paper is the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP). The civil disturbances of 1969, partly the result of dissatisfaction among the Bumiputeras (Malays and other indigenous groups) with their progress in the education and economic sectors, brought about sweeping changes leading to the NEP.The Policy was designed to achieve national integration and unity through a two-pronged strategy of (i) eradicating poverty by raising income levels and increasing employment opportunities for all Malaysians and (ii) restructuring Malaysian society to correct economic imbalances so as to reduce and eventually eliminate the identification of race with economic function. Education was perceived as a vital instrument in achieving the objectives of the NEP. Student enrollment should reflect the ethnic composition of the country; more scholarships were to be provided to Bumiputera students; more weightage was to be given for admission to students from rural areas; the use of the Malay language was to be accelerated to be fully implemented in the entire education system by 1983; special schools were set up for rural children; and greater opportunities were provided to Bumiputera students to study science.
Within the framework of the NEP, the higher education system gradually diversified to meet the demands of an evolving economy. Enrollment in all public higher education institutions, including UM, in the sixties and seventies was heavily concentrated in the social sciences and humanities. In 1970, a total of 65% of the total student enrollment were in these two disciplines, 30% were in science and 5% in technology. Thisemphasis was due partly to the colonial past, the lower cost of establishing and developing such disciplines,and the pull of employment opportunities in the expanding state bureaucracy. However, an oversupply of graduates skewed in the liberal arts was viewed as inappropriate for a complex modern economy and a gradual change was then effected.
By 1995 it also became clear that to maintain Malaysia’s economic ompetitiveness, and hold its own among countries in the region, China and India, she would have to strategize and develop technological and innovation capabilities. This implied that tertiary institutions would have to re-think their priorities and their research and innovation strategies. A major strategic change implemented in 2003 was to drop ethnic group quotas introduced in 1970 but curiously this has not changed the distribution of students by race overall.
Student enrollment data for UM available from 1971 onwards show that between 1971 and 1991,overall enrollment at undergraduate level moved from 8,545 in 1971 to 9,418 in 1991. By 1995, the enrollment in the Arts and Social Sciences had shrunk to 57% and that of science to 27%, while enrollment in technology-based disciplines had expanded to 16%. By 2001, however this figure had more than doubled,reaching 22,384 but decreased to 17,797 in 2007 and to 14,482 for the 2009/2010 intake. This reduction reflects UM’s plan to increase the proportion of graduate students, working towards a target of post-graduate to undergraduate students at 50%: 50%. Student/faculty ratio targets as set up by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency are 25:1 for Arts; 15:1 for sciences; and 4:1 for clinical programs.
The distribution of students over time by area of study is germane to UM’s aspirations of becoming a research university of repute. Of the total number of entrants (9,006) in 1971, almost 50% were enrolled in the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty, reduced to about 10% in 2008. For Engineering the share increased from 5.6% to 12% and for medicine this stayed around 7% and 8%. For Science undergraduate enrollment share over the same period was 17% and 16.2%. The increases in Engineering, Medicine and maintaining Science enrollment share illustrates, to some extent, the trend of increasing the proportion of science and technology-based students as a strategy to move towards a research and innovation based campus culture.
Student campus life from the seventies to the nineties was classroom and examination-based, with few campus activities and interactions. Following the 1969 race riots, the Universities and Colleges Act1 was promulgated in 1971, which brought all the 4 (?) universities at the time under the Ministry of Education, all losing their autonomous status[1]. For students it meant a serious curb on campus activities including the functioning of student societies. Race-based groupings increased and is still very much a campus feature.While some improvements are evident, students interviewed in 2005 had the following views. Considerable racial polarization existed, evidenced in membership of extra-curricular clubs; teaching approach was didactic, especially in the social sciences; questionable if academic programs fostered work-related skills;professors were not open about personal opinions; limited opportunities to participate in research activities, conferences and scholarly gatherings as undergraduates; complicated bureaucracy which governed every action; IT’s campus penetration should be strongly enhanced; no choice in language of instruction, would prefer English as this was a common academic language; no follow-up with students complaints; and there were limited opportunities to interact with international students (World Bank 2007, 52-53).
In the last four years much has been accomplished to reinvigorate the curriculum, opening it out to become more relevant to global needs. Inputs from external assessors, industry liaison panels, employers and students themselves are making a difference to curriculum design and review. With monitoring and program accreditation by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency which takes international benchmarks into account,UM appears to be moving in the right direction.
Reports for the years 2004 to 2008 on student’s internationally-oriented activities revealed that these were usually limited to sports and recreation activities and limited to about one or two visits a year. Exchange programs for students started in a fairly desultory fashion five years ago but has recently been formally established with 25% of each cohort participating in student exchange programs abroad with one of UM’s 129 partner universities. However, the presence of international exchange students in UM is minimal compared with an average of 1,000 annually in NUS between 2005 and 2008.
Graduate students in 1971 numbered 461 with PhD students constituting almost 15% with the largest number of doctoral students from the Arts and Social Sciences. In 1971 Arts doctoral students constituted33.8% (23) of all PhD students with Engineering at 4.4% (3), and Science at 25% (17). By 2008, with total doctoral students at 2246, Arts students made up almost 10% of doctoral candidates, with Engineering at above 9% (211), and Science at almost 14% (312). The total number of Masters and PhD candidates in 2008 stood at 9,599 or 35% of the total student population, a far cry from the 461 in 1971, and an indication of UM working towards its goal of developing and increasing research and innovation skills in the university. While absolute numbers have moved upwards in Science and Engineering, in proportion to the total number enrolled in doctoral programs, UM’s development of skills in strategic research areas has some way to go.
UM has successfully fulfilled the mandates of the New Economic Policy, putting in place policies,structures and procedures to expand access for Bumiputera students as part of the nation’s poverty reduction campaign. Bumiputera students including students from the lower income states on the east coast of peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak in East Malaysia on the island of Borneo have steadily increased their participation in UM since 1970 to the present, constituting about 60% of the student body. University leadership has had mainly Bumiputeras at the helm since 1995 and this is also true for the 1.majority of faculties, institutes and centers. The logical corollary to these considered policies is that affirmative action has worked. To the extent that these policies have been embedded in the system, the talent pool of the institution from which top notch scholars and researchers could have emerged has shrunk considerably over the years. If UM is able to carry out its new policies, which appear to be newly directed to the most able irrespective of race or nationality, then it has the potential to recover some ground lost over the last few decades.
With the burgeoning of the knowledge economy, and low capacity to keep abreast with such changes,importing foreign talent is seen as not just a temporary solution but a way to maintain material links with global research and knowledge creation. UM had been somewhat slower in internationalizing its student body, compared with NUS. Since the focus of UM’s mission for about three decades has been the implementation of the NEP, the policy of internationalization became a priority only in recent years in response to the profile this characteristic has in world rankings. While international students made up 22.3% of all undergraduate students and 57.2 % of all graduate students in NUS in 2008, the corresponding figures for UM in 2007 was only 12.3%, and these were largely at post-graduate rather than undergraduate level.Apart from the strong international reputation NUS enjoys, its offers of subsidies for tuition and accommodation are attractive to the best qualified who have a large array of choices as is the fact that English is the medium of instruction and the language of official transaction and discourse, which gives it a distinct edge. UM tends to attract students from a number of developing countries, particularly Islamic countries. Currently the top ten countries with the largest number of students enrolled, starting with the highest, include Iran, Indonesia, China, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Thailand.
In line with the strategic goal to make NUS a globally competitive university, the NUS senior administration had steadily been raising the bar over the years in terms of academic faculty recruitment and retention, with the process greatly accelerated since the late 1990s. The key policy instruments include progressive raising of salary and compensation packages, and making them more flexible and performance-based, so as to be more competitive internationally especially for the top talents; increasing the level of research funding support and provision of research facilities/infrastructure; relentlessly raising the threshold for promotion and tenure; and increasing the flexibility of faculty time allocation, including reduced teaching workloads for faculty with excellent research track records to devote more time to research.
The steadily improving quality of NUS faculty can be measured using a number of proxy indicators.Firstly, the proportion of faculty with PhDs had increased substantially over the years; by 2005, 99% of the engineering faculty had PhDs, vs. only 50% in 1970, while for Science, Arts and Social Sciences and Business, the proportion with PhDs by 2003 were 88.7%, 80.2% and 79.8% respectively. For professional schools like medicine, design and architecture and law, the increase was more gradual due to the nature of professional practice.
Secondly, and more tellingly, the average research productivity and quality of NUS faculty have both increased considerably over the last two decades. The number of SCI/SSCI-indexed engineering publications by NUS increased 25 times from an average of 37 per year over 1981-83 to 941 per year over 2001-03, while that for medicine increased nearly ten-folds (62 to 602), and economics/business 4.5 times (from 20 to 90).The quality of the publications, as measured by average citations per publications in the following 3 years,also increased significantly – from 1.45 to 5.66 for engineering, 3.16 to 11.33 for medicine, and 0.32 to 6.36 for economics/business.
World class universities usually possess the characteristic of wooing and retaining strong faculty irrespective of nationality or race. While data for earlier years are not available, a comparison of NUS faculty composition between 1997 and 2005 shows a pattern of rapid increase of international staff both for the category of ‘faculty’ and ‘research’ staff’. In 1997, 61% of NUS’ 1,414 strong faculty members were Singaporeans compared with 48% in 2005 (Wong, Ho and Singh, 2009). Similarly in 1997, 29% of 843 research staff were Singaporeans compared with 21.3% in 2005. Other faculty members, in order of numbers,were from Malaysia, India, China, other Asian countries, US, Canada and others. The high presence of faculty from Malaysia in NUS (10.8% in 2005, down from 12.8% in 1997) reflects a larger phenomenon of net talent loss from Malaysia to Singapore since their political separation; indeed, as many Malaysians subsequently took up citizenship in Singapore, the actual contribution of Malaysian to the NUS faculty was probably higher than the above statistics suggest.
The above observation notwithstanding, it remains true that NUS has been diversifying its international sources of faculty recruitment in the last ten years, as the global competition for talents intensified. In particular, between 1997 and 2005, India and China contributed significantly increased number of both faculty and research staff. The number of Chinese faculty and research staff particularly increased quite markedly during this period. Faculty and research staff from China made up 4.5% and 32.2% respectively in 1997. In 2005, Chinese faculty were 6.9% of a complement of 1,765 members while Chinese research staff had a share of 42.4% of 1,087 research staff members. The policy of broadening the base of well-qualified faculty and researchers has stood NUS in good stead both in terms of the quantity and quality of research outputs, the density of international collaboration networks, and ultimately, world-class rankings.
A comparison with figures for UM over the years data are available, between 1970 and 2007, show the following picture emerging. Between 1971 and 1981, , the proportion of bumiputra staff rose, coupled with favorable training programs both locally and overseas for both categories of Bumipuera and non-Bumiputera but with significant larger numbers for the former. Based on the NEP, the policy of Bumiputera-ization did not pay special heed to identifying and retaining of talent among staff and graduate students, irrespective of race and nationality. This has damaged seriously the academic reputation of UM. More recently, particularly over the last 4 years, policies have changed to welcome talented researchers and teachers of any nationality to join the academic staff.
Staff size was 512 in 1970. It almost doubled by 1975 (with an average annual increase of 15.3%),reaching 1,372 by 1995. In 2001, it was 1,581 of which about 20% were of professorial grade. By 2007,academic staff size had increased to 2,035 but the number of professors had decreased to just above 15% (Source, Ministry of Higher Education, 2009). For the same year, 2007, about 50% of all academic staff were PhD holders, and assuming that professorships appointed held PhD degrees, the professors by this year were able to provide academic leadership. Compared with 37% staff with PhDs in 1999 (source: University of Malaya, Annual Report 1999), the steady increase in qualifications is a step in the right direction to improved teaching and research. An update for 2009 points out that currently 61% of faculty members have doctoral degrees, and this proportion rises to 75% (which is the target for PhD holders) when equivalents such as further degrees for medical faculty are included.
In a bid to accelerate improved quality of teaching and research, UM has made a PhD degree a requirement from lecturer-level upwards, with all faculties instructed to organize fortnightly seminars (a practice which was prevalent in many faculties about two decades ago) with compulsory participation. Similarly, a way has been devised to recruit staff who have proven themselves academically. This is the recently launched ‘Bright Sparks’ program, planned to facilitate research activities of talented post-graduate students, whether local or international, and is seen as a stepping stone to faculty appointments.
When the University of Singapore and the University of Malaya split in 1962, some of the existing expatriate staff stayed on in both the universities. However in the late sixties, under the policy of Malaysianization, many international staff (largely from the United Kingdom) left. Between 1971 and 1991,the number of international staff in UM decreased from 176 to about half the number. The government had also placed a restrictive ceiling of 5% at the time on the proportion of foreign nationals.
New academic programs and increased student numbers, particularly at post-graduate level, prompted university authorities to look outside Malaysia for expertise, intensified in recent years in response to the WCRU rankings which take international presence into account. In 2001 out of a total academic staff of 1,581, about 2% were foreign which by 2007 rose to about 14% out of a total of 2,035. By 2007, about 20% of international staff held professorships, and about 11% were Associate Professors. With almost 58% PhDs and in senior positions, international faculty’s ability to provide leadership in teaching and research could be progressively more significant. By 2008, out of 2,552 academic staff, international staff’s share was 21%.
Many of them were from South Asia and Southeast Asia with some from the Middle East and the majority tends to be in the sciences and engineering. UM has found it difficult to attract the best qualified and experienced international candidates both because, unlike NUS, it is unable to offer salaries that are internationally competitive nor a stellar research and innovation reputation to date. In Malaysia, only USM,as ‘apex’ university, has the independence to offer salaries that are not constrained by government caps.
Some international staff hired are offered a one-year probationary contract at the end of which decisions to renew or terminate are taken. From the perspective of the staff member, short-term contracts prevent them from giving of their best as they need to figure out next steps. In UM’s opinion, foreign staff need to prove themselves before they can be awarded longer term contracts. Clearly, some compromise will have to be made so that salaries can be more competitive to attract indisputably well qualified staff which may help with instituting more attractive contractual terms.
Nonetheless, interviews with senior faculty and administrators indicate that the proportion of international faculty will continue to increase for several reasons: lack of local expertise in key areas which have to be developed in terms of research and teaching; the thrust on research has sharpened the search for highly-qualified researchers, hence the casting of nets wide nationally and internationally; and on-going sensitivity to the fact that international presence in teaching (as well as among students) would contribute to improved world-class rankings.
As highlighted in earlier section on financing, NUS has steadily increased her budget for R&D over the years, particularly in recent years. Concomitant with this increase in direct R&D expenditure has been an increased investment in R&D infrastructure. For example, NUS established linkage to international academic networks via a computer network called BITNET, becoming one of the first Asian countries to be on this network; subsequently, when internet took off, NUS was also among the first Asian universities to implement campus-wide access to internet. In 1989, NUS linked up with one of only two supercomputers in Singapore,enhancing the university’s role in the globalization of computing technology and skills. In 1991, NUS implemented NUSNET, a campus-wide optical fibre network, and in May 1995, the library became the first in the region to launch the full-text electronic document management and retrieval system.
NUS was also among the first universities in Asia to implement a technology licensing and industry liaison office (INTRO) to manage the university’s emerging intellectual property portfolio and industry R&D collaborations. Established in the early 1990s, INTRO had progressively put in place a system for managing invention disclosure and technology commercialization that is modeled after the best practice of leading universities in North America, for example, the implementation of standardized Research Collaborative Agreements (RCA) with external collaboration parties, the assignment of intellectual property ownership to the university, the adoption of fair distribution of licensing royalty income among the individual faculty,department and central administration to align interest in technology commercialization, and a policy of taking equity in lieu of royalty when an NUS technology is licensed to a spin-off founded by an NUS faculty or student. Driven by the rapid growth in research outputs and facilitated by the streamlined IP management support system, the number of research collaboration agreements, invention disclosures and patents granted to NUS increased rapidly since the early 2000s, with corresponding increase in technology licensing income.
The number of external RCAs increased from 109 over 1995-97 to 394 over 2005-07. The number of patents granted by the US patent office to NUS rose from 40 in the 1990-99 period to 204 in the 2000-08 period,while the number of licensing agreements increase from 60 to 198 in the corresponding period. Total licensing royalties also increased from S$335,000 in 1996-99 to S$3.3 million over 2003-08 (see Wong, Ho and Singh 2009 for more details).
In the early 2000s, as part of the new vision articulated by the then new vice-chancellor for NUS to become a “Global Knowledge Enterprise”, NUS has further expanded her technology commercialization support role by explicitly establishing a new organizational division called NUS Enterprise, to promote technology commercialization and entrepreneurship on a holistic basis. Reporting directly to the vice- chancellor/president, NUS Enterprise not only absorbed the INTRO functions into an expanded Industry Liaison Office (ILO), but also incorporated a university-level Entrepreneurship Centre that integrated the functions of entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship promotion and outreach, and incubation support for NUS spin-offs (see Wong, Ho and Singh, 2007). The spin-off incubation support included not only the provision of physical incubation facilities, but also seed funding and mentoring by a network of experienced entrepreneurs and senior executives, and match-making of university start-ups with potential angel investors and venture capitalists. More than 70 university spin-offs by professors, students and recent alumni had been supported by the NUS Enterprise Incubator (NEI) since its inception in 2002, and while there had been no major commercial success yet, more than 10 such companies had received follow-on investment by external investors (see Wong, Ho and Singh 2009).
Development and Management of Research in UM
The Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) states that universities in Malaysia would aim to produce ‘world class human capital that is knowledgeable and highly skilled, flexible and creative as well as imbued with positive work ethics and spiritual values’ (Ninth Malaysia Development Plan 2006, 248-249). This period would also witness the creation of ‘universities of international standing and ensure that tertiary institutions meet the needs of employers’ (ibid. 249).In 2006, the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia took the step of identifying four of the country’s public institutions and designating them research universities. The decision speaks well of an effort to concentrate resources in a few universities while continuing to support a diversity of institutions. The Ministry took the poor showing of Malaysia’s tertiary institutions in the world ranking tables seriously andsought to put the four on track by providing additional funds. To build up a strong research base in UM,rationalize the promotion, management, coordination and monitoring of activities of eight recently-established research clusters, 20 faculties and 35 research centers, 137 international collaborations as well as the upsurge of postgraduate student research, the Institute of Research Management and Monitoring was set up. Underlying all research grant activities are the objectives of supporting R&D projects that can develop new products or processes in specific research clusters; and generating science-based knowledge through research. The Institute also helps research clusters by seeking out commercial applications for the products, services and technology the research produces.
These steps indicate that UM has taken up with seriousness the national challenge of trying to improve upon its tarnished reputation among world university rankings. Attracting additional funds,internationalizing faculty recruitment and student enrollments, and restructuring the organization and management of research are indeed necessary. However, to be consistent with changes in policy and structure,it would be wise to review some fundamental aspects of university support. The current status of database management, for example, is relatively weak and has to be seriously enhanced as a basic requirement in improved research infrastructure and overall policy and decision making. To illustrate: university records are available electronically only after 2002. Prior to that, data will have to be accessed and processed manually,with no guarantee that record-keeping is sufficiently efficient in this respect. Decades of bureaucratic procedures and lack of transparency dog many of Malaysia’s institutions, including UM, and anecdotal evidence reveals that researchers face many obstacles in retrieving institutional and organizational data. The new focus on research clusters, centers and institutes, coupled with more accountable monitoring, evaluation and reporting procedures developing under the ‘research university’ blueprint have the potential of establishing a more robust management and research environment.
Interviews were conducted with faculty members regarding the new research environment and the general tenor of responses was varied. Some senior members were disconcerted by the performance targets and new research imperatives, but convinced that their tenured status would provide a vital safety-net. The young and ambitious were enthusiastic but apprehensive, citing weak research skills at faculty senior management level. High achievers in both groups were excited about the potential to perform and be recognized.
The journey towards excellence in research and teaching in universities are marked by measures indicating how far they have traveled, and how far they are from their destinations. Markers used here include external university rankings; productivity in terms of research output, international peer-reviewed publications, citations received and average citations per publication; the quality of faculty in terms of international recognition seen in invitational leadership positions and membership in professional organizations; and invitational participation in select conferences and associations as well as awards; and student-teacher ratios.
Based on the THES World Ranking of Universities, while NUS has consistently been ranked among or close to the top 30 over 2004-2008, that of UM has declined steadily from 89 in 2004 to 246 in 2007, before recovering slightly to 230 in 2008 (see Table 1). In terms of key academic fields, NUS has the highest rank in technology, followed by biomedicine, while for UM, biomedicine ranks the highest, followed by social sciences. The gap between the two universities appear to be widest in the fields of science and technology.
World university ranking exercises have made government and higher education officials aware of publication and citations of scientific papers resulting in policy changes in most universities regarding faculty research outputs. Such publications serve as quantitative indicators of productivity and serve as an important avenue of knowledge transfer. On this measure, there is a significant gap between the research output of UM and other Malaysian universities designated as research universities on the one hand, and those of the leading Asian countries on the other. Table 2 shows that the number of SCI and SSCI-indexed papers produced over January 1999 to February 2009 by UM was 3,440 publications, only about one-third of the output of the next closest university, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), which published 10,400 papers over this period. The publications output of NUS for the same period was double that of HKUST. The difference is all the greater when taking into account the size difference between the universities: HKUST has a faculty size of approximately 400, UM 1,918 (2008) and NUS 2,103 faculty and 1,710 research staff. Malaysian universities also fall somewhat behind the others, whether measured by citations per paper or citations per faculty. For the former, all three Malaysian universities received approx 4 citations per paper,whereas most of the comparison universities received more than 7 citations per paper (Table 2). The WUR gave a ranking of 376 in 2005 to UM. This was lower than most of the comparison universities listed in Table
Table 3 compares the research publication performance of NUS and UM in four major academic fields over the period of 1981-2003. As can be seen, UM has fallen behind NUS not only in terms of the quantity of international-refereed publications tracked by SCI and SSCI over the years in all four fields, but also in termsof the quality of their publications as measured by the average number citations received in the following 5 years after the date of the publications.
Note: SCI- and SSCI-indexed journals only; the citation rate is calculated in the following manner: The number of citations within 5 years of publication were collated (eg the number of citations made in1981-1986 are collated for papers published in 1981, etc). The total number of publications and citations for each of the three time periods (1981-83, 1991-93 and 2001-03) are then pooled, and based on this, the average citation rate per publication rate is calculated.
While the debate continues within UM faculty on the functioning of ISI articles and citations as a qualitative indicator, Malaysian universities have recently developed their own policies in encouraging/supporting publications by their academic staff. The new strategy of UM management improve the overall academic culture has specific requirements based on ISI publications. In order to be promoted to full professorships (there are three levels), among other requirements, the candidate must have 35 ISI (or SCOPUS) publications at least 10 of which should have 10 citations. The requirements move downwards with faculty designation. The ISI publication requirements stretch to the admission of doctoral level students: doctoral candidates should have at least 2 ISI listed publications. The same strategies are to beused by the other research universities as well. Among the concerns is the status of UM’s own 50-odd journals, some of which have been regularly published for three to four decades, and have developed a clientele of their own. How will this shift in focus affect these journals and currently available resources?
One of the by-products of the THES-QS World University Rankings is MoHE’s own ranking system for Malaysian public universities known as the Rating System for Malaysian Higher Education Institutions (or SATARA which is the acronym in Malay) following an Academic Reputation Survey conducted in theprevious year. The results of the first SATARA exercise, involving seven of the more established universities,were published in 2008 and UM topped the country. On a scale of 6 (internationally excellent) it was the only university which achieved a rating of 5. Given the current leadership and management change, and the spirit of competition among the four Research Universities in the country, it would be interesting to see how UM fares in the next round.
Despite its flaws, patenting can be used as a proxy measure of technological invention that has potentialeconomic value. In particular, the number of patents granted by the US patent office is often used as aninternational benchmark indicator, to ensure comparability across countries, and given that the US is the largest market in the world (Trajtenberg, 2002). As Table 4 shows, while NUS has significantly increased its patenting output in the post-2000 period, there has been negligible patenting output from UM since 1990.
Cheng (2009) has argued that the low level of patenting by Malaysian universities may be partly an outcome of a government policy which clearly delineated the research roles played by universities and PRIs. The 5th Malaysia Plan, implemented from 1986 to 1990, stipulated that universities would give greater emphasis to basic research (40%) relative to PRIs (10%) (Cheng 2009). However, her assumption that a highemphasis on basic research does not generate commercializable research is not valid, because many of the leading universities in the world, including MIT and Stanford, that are highly focused on basic research have also been very prolific in generating patents. Likewise, the rapid rise in patenting among the leading Asian universities such as NUS and Tsinghua over the last ten years coincided with a growing emphasis on basic research. Rather than the basic vs. applied distinction, it is the quality of the research, and its strategic focus on economic significance (the so-called strategic basic research, or “Pasteur quadrant”), that likely matters.
The recognition given by peers to institutions and to individual scholars and researchers throughinvitations to join selected academic and professional societies, high-level academic and professionalconferences, election to world bodies, and prestigious awards are important markers of quality based on peer evaluation. There is no dearth of such recognition in the chronicles of NUS (see NUS Annual Reports,various years). For example, in 2007, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy became the first institution outside of Europe and North America to join the prestigious Public Policy Network. In the same year NUS President Shih Chin Fong was awarded the Chief Executive Leadership Award by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). NUS also became a founding member of the 10-member International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) in 2006. At the faculty level, an increasing number of joint degree programs has been established between NUS and other leading universities in the world (e.g.UCLA, Karolinska Institute and Peking University), testifying to the growing standing of NUS in the international academic community.
Records show that in the past Malaysia’s participation and performance in international academic activities has been intermittent, more dependent on individual staff pro-activity than on common universitypractice has been uneven A clear thrust forward is discernible over the last five years, which is generallylinked to the collective response to world university rankings and their aftermath.
For a number of years UM has participated in the International Exhibition of Inventors, Techniques and Products (ITEX) in G eneva, Switzerland. In 2005, UM 19 gold medal awards in a range of products and in 2009 this went up to 32 awards. In 2006, at the Seoul International Fair, the UM team won 4 gold medals.Most recently, in August 2009, Professor Cheng Har Yip, a surgeon at UM’s Medical Faculty, won an award for her outstanding research on breast cancer. She was awarded the International Union Against Cancer 2009Reach to Recovery International Health Professional Award at a conference in Brisbane, Australia, the only non-Australian recipient to receive the award from the US-based body. In 2008, the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Unit of the same Faculty was designated one of 16 centers of excellence in the world by Organisation Mondiale d’Endoscopie Digestive (World Organization of Digestive Endoscopy), both significant recognition of international level achievements.
Importantly, at institutional level, there is continuing work to receive international accreditation for programs, key to world-wide recognition, and the Medical Faculty, among other faculties, has been proactive in these efforts. The Department of Anaesthesiology at the UM Medical Center was accredited by the Hospital Accreditation Committee, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists for Basic and Advanced Training in Anaesthesia . Other teaching programs recognized by professional institutions include:Bachelor of Engineering by the Institute of Chemical Engineers; Bachelor of Accounting by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales; Master in Medical Physics by the Institute of Physics andEngineering Medicine; and Bachelor of Dental Surgery by the General Dental Council of UK.
The comparison between NUS and UM is instructive. It shows how strategic thinking about national development and economic growth, as in the Singapore case, can become a driver for academic excellence,enabling a university from a newly industrialized economy to rapidly ascend into the league of leading global universities. This survey of NUS’ achievements highlights its attention to continuity of leadership; effective strategic planning for the future; nurturing of students and investing in pedagogy; provision of more than adequate financial and human resources; and provision of a research and academic infrastructure that spans local and international settings seamlessly. The decades that NUS has taken to progressively transform herself to move up the ladder of global excellence largely mirrors the larger transformation of the Singaporeeconomy from a third world to a first world (Lee 2000). As Singapore moves increasingly towards competing as a knowledge-based economy in the 21st century, NUS no longer just aims to meet the educational needs ofthe local population, but has set its vision to become a “global knowledge enterprise” that not only excels globally in the traditional missions of research and teaching, but also takes on the “third mission” of becoming an “entrepreneurial” university that spawns successful high tech spin-offs and generates economic wealth through technology commercialization (Etzkowitz et. al. 2000; Wong, Ho and Singh 2009).
The challenge that faces UM is one faced by any institution or organization that has to change its mission and priorities, affecting deep-rooted working principles, regulations, and financial management systems (Salmi 39-43). The history of UM demonstrates that national‐level policies can severely constrain the institutional development of a public university. This can have significant long‐term consequences in terms of limiting its capacity and culture to pursue academic excellence and to compete internationally, given that such institutional capacity & culture take a long time to build.The recently-introduced performance targets are useful tools and, rigorously utilized, can lead to a culture of iscipline in research and teaching, creating important contributions to the knowledge-based economy. A more complex process is winning the hearts and minds of the major segment of stakeholders, the academic and research staff, providing rationales, incentives and rewards in order to get new modalities to work. Theprocess of experiential learning in itself would place UM in a strong position among universities in Malaysia.
The new leadership has reviewed the overall regulatory framework and appears to have sufficient autonomy to change practices to fit new institutional priorities. The likelihood is that both university management and the government want to sustain efforts, using world rankings as a tremendous source of motivation for laggards. The transformation of a university to match a new vision and new targets is a courageous endeavor: it is also one that requires political will to stay the course over the long term.
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[1] The University and Colleges Act 1971 banned students from holding political office in organizations outside the university such as trade unions and political parties. In 1975, the Act was amended to further limit student involvement in politics. They were prohibited from becoming members of, or expressing any form of support for, political parties or trade unions.Section 15 of the Act prohibits a student or a student organization, body or group from associating with outside organizations, except as provided under the Constitution or approved by the Vice-Chancellor of the respective university.The Section also prohibits fundraising by a student or a student organization. It defines criminal liability of office-bearers of a student organization and rules on suspension and expulsion of students charged with criminal offences. Section 16 empowers university Vice-Chancellors to suspend or dissolve any student organization that conducts itself in a manner which a Vice-Chancellor considers detrimental or prejudicial to the interests or well-being of the respective university